Venezuela Visa & Entry

It is recommended to consider the following safety and travel advice of the official authorities before and during a trip to Venezuela:
Venezuela Visa and Entry Requirements

Venezuela Embassy & Consulate

German Consulate Maracaibo

Calle 77, Esquina Avda. 3-C, N° 3-C-24, Edif. Los Cerros, Piso 8, Of. A y B
4002 Maracaibo, Venezuela
Phone: +58 261 791 53 09

German Embassy Venezuela

Avenida Eugenio Mendoza y Avenida José Angel Lamas, Edif. La Castellana
1061 Caracas, Venezuela
Phone: +58 212 219 25 00

Switzerland Embassy Venezuela

Torre Ing-Bank, piso 15, Av. Eugenio Mendoza y San Felipe, La Castellana
1060 Caracas, Venezuela
Phone: +58 212 267 95 85

Venezuela Consulate Frankfurt

Eschersheimer Landstraße 19-21
60322 Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 915 011 00

Venezuela Consulate Hamburg

Johnsallee 30
20148 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 410 12 41

Venezuela Embassy Berlin

Schillstraße 10
10785 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 832 240 0

Venezuela Embassy Switzerland

Waldeggstrasse 47
3097 Bern, Switzerland
Phone: 031/350 57 53

Venezuela Embassy Vienna

Prinz Eugen Strasse 72
1040 Vienna, Austria
Phone: (+43 / 1) 712 26 38
The entry requirements for Venezuela can change at short notice. In case of urgent questions, you should check directly with a visa agency or for legally binding information with the embassy or one of the consulates of Venezuela before your trip.
Venezuela Facts
  • Capital: Caracas
  • Population: 32 Million

Visa Service

Apply for Visa