Port-au-Prince Embassy and Consulate

Here you can find the international embassies and consulates in Port-au-Prince with their address, opening hours, email, phone number or other information related to the consular section and visa application process.

Austria Consulate Haiti

Impasse Guercy 8A, Rue Rosa, Canape Vert
2 Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (+509) 3 701 85 00

German Embassy Haiti

Impasse Claudinette, Bois Moquette, Pétion-Ville
2 Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (00509) 29 49 02 02

Switzerland Embassy Haiti

Rue Ogé 12, Pétion-Ville
6140 Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: 0041 31 322 18 46